Notes (I) for a 2010 introduction to the Health Career Model - The Koch Family
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Notes (I) for a 2010 introduction to the Health Career Model

.... The structure and composition of Hodges' model can be viewed as a sketch, a back-of-the-envelope idea expressed as a diagram as per (insert figure 1 and 2) and in combination (figure 3). While this is a perfectly valid interpretation it invites the view that Hodges' model is simplistic. In its basic unpopulated form the model is simplistic, in the same way that a blank canvas, computing device display, or piece of paper is simplistic. There is however, much more going on here, consideration of which can lead us to new ways to justify and explain the model.
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler"
Albert Einstein
Einstein is helpful because while simple - the model provides the foundation for global conceptual scope (complexity) should this be needed. Hodges' model demonstrates the complexity of health and social care without making it simpler.
"Simplicity means the achievement of maximum effect with minimum means."
Dr. Koichi Kawana, Architect
If Hodges' model is simple, a way to represent the tip of the health and social care iceberg, then why should we then wish for global conceptual scope? The reasons are manifold, but revolve around one factor:


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