MCQ (answer) on clinical coding and classification - The Koch Family
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MCQ (answer) on clinical coding and classification

The answer to the multiple choice question is item 4:

- a product of the 18th century driven by death?

François Bossier de Lacroix (1706-1777*), better known as Sauvages, is credited with the first attempt to classify diseases systematically.

Sauvages' comprehensive treatise was published under the title Nosologia methodica.

A contemporary of Sauvages was the great methodologist Linnaeus (1707-1778), one of whose treatises was entitled Genera morborum.

Beginning of the 19th century, the classification of disease in most general use was one by William Cullen (1710-1790), of Edinburgh, published in 1785 under the title Synopsis nosologiae methodicae.

My source:

* I note sources that record Sauvage's year of death as 1767.


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