International Journal of Integrated Care - The Koch Family
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International Journal of Integrated Care

Dear IJIC reader,

Recently PUBLISHED in the International Journal of Integrated Care

A Research and Theory paper:

An evaluation of SNOMED CT® in the domain of complex chronic conditions,
by Tara Sampalli, Michael Shepherd, Jack Duffy and Roy Fox

… It is the hypothesis of this work that showing the availability of multidisciplinary concepts for one complex condition can generate a similar expectation of available terms for other chronic conditions …

A policy paper:

Integrating care for people with mental illness: the Care Programme Approach in England and its implications for long-term conditions management,
by Nick Goodwin and Simon Lawton-Smith

… the lesson from the CPA experience suggests that there is potential for better care integration to be had in a strategy based on personalised care planning and investment in care co-ordination for people with chronic and sometimes complex needs …

And a book review:

Managing transition. Support for individuals at key point of change, edited
by Alison Petch and reviewed by AnneLoes van Staa

…This book is unique in its broad focus on different transitions in various contexts, and its exploration of the evidence for support given to people who risk getting ‘lost in transition’. This makes this publication highly interesting to readers of the International Journal of Integrated Care …


“All together now: Exploring the Many Faces and Facets of Integrated Care”,
Tampere Finland, June 16-18, 2010.

The INIC Conference 2010 will make an effort to look at and evaluate the challenges and status quo of mutual many-faceted collaboration of integrated care from the point of view of benefits to patients, service users and carers. The annual conferences offer an ideal meeting place for the integrated care community to discuss recent developments and future challenges across systems and continents.

On the website you can find more information on the keynote speakers, the pre-conference and site-visits, the program of the conference and the parallel sessions.


Thanks for the continuing interest in our work.

Erika Manten
Managing editor IJIC
ijic at
Erika Manten - Managing editor International Journal of Integrated Care, - IJIC Editorial office: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing &
Archiving Services, University Library Utrecht, P.O. Box 80124, 3508 TC
Utrecht, The Netherlands.


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