Surface Temperature from Landsat Data: a New Lab Using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin - The Koch Family
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Surface Temperature from Landsat Data: a New Lab Using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin

In a previous post I have illustrated how to estimate land surface temperature using Landsat images and the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.
I was very pleased when Katie Fankhauser, a graduate student at Portland State University, informed me that she was preparing a lab, inspired by that tutorial, about how to determine ground surface temperature using satellite imagery and my plugin.
The document that she prepared provides background information about remote sensing and Landsat imagery (such as conversion of Landsat images to TOA reflectance and brightness temperature), and describes all the required phases about:
- download of software and data;
- data processing and supervised classification of land cover;
- calculation of an emissivity raster and estimation surface temperature.
Temperature calculated for a Landsat image of Portland (data available from the U.S. Geological Survey)

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