Estimation of Land Surface Temperature with Landsat and ASTER - The Koch Family
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Estimation of Land Surface Temperature with Landsat and ASTER

This post is about the estimation land surface temperature using Landsat Satellite and ASTER Satellite images. In this tutorial we are going to use a land cover classification for the definition of surface emissivity, which is required for the calculation of the land surface temperature. It is assumed that one has the basic knowledge of SCP and Basic Tutorials.
Our study area will be Paris (France), an area covered by urban surfaces, vegetation and agricultural fields.
Before downloading data, please watch the following video that illustrates the study area and provides very useful information about thermal infrared images, and their application (footage courtesy of European Space Agency/ESA). Also, a brief description of the area that we are going to classify is available here .

The thermal infrared band is particularly useful for assessing the temperature difference between the city and the surrounding rural areas, and studying the urban heat island phenomenon. We are going to use Landsat and ASTER images for the estimation of land surface temperature. For more information about the conversion of raster bands please read Conversion to At-Satellite Brightness Temperature. Following the video of this tutorial.
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