UN-SPIDER Recommended Practice for Burn Severity Mapping: a guide using QGIS, SCP, and Landsat 8 - The Koch Family
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UN-SPIDER Recommended Practice for Burn Severity Mapping: a guide using QGIS, SCP, and Landsat 8

The "United Nations Platform for Disaster Management and Emergency Response" (UN-SPIDER) is a United Nations program that aims to "ensure that all countries and international and regional organizations have access to and develop the capacity to use all types of space-based information to support the full disaster management cycle".
In particular, UN-SPIDER aims to ensure access and use of space technologies for humanitarian aid and emergency response, during all phases of the disaster management cycle.

The UN-SPIDER website provides several recommended practices for fostering the use of satellite data in the various phases of disaster management.
In this post I am glad to suggest this methodology for mapping burn severity in the disaster cycle phase of recovery and reconstruction.

UN-SPIDER website
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