Developing the SCP 6: Cloud Masking and Mosaic of Band Sets - The Koch Family
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Developing the SCP 6: Cloud Masking and Mosaic of Band Sets

I am updating the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) to version 6 (codename Greenbelt) which will be compatible with the upcoming QGIS 3.

I have already presented the main changes to the SCP dock, the Main interface and the ability to create multiple band sets, and the new interface for downloading free products such as Landsat, Sentinel-2, ASTER, MODIS and the new addition Sentinel-3.

In this post I present two preprocessing tools that exploit the new ability to create multiple band sets.
The tool Cloud masking allows for the creation of an output masked band for each band of a band set, based on the values of a raster mask. 

Cloud masking tool
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