Trước Bình Minh Luôn Là Đêm Tối - The Koch Family
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Trước Bình Minh Luôn Là Đêm Tối

This is a book telling about many stories of the book's author, Ta Minh Tuan. Each his story is not only a valuable lesson but also a heart-to-heart talk.

Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast

I accidentally attended a $2 meetup which was held by in 2013. It was the first time for me to see the author. At that time, he wanted the attendees to repeat many times a sentence "Think big, start small, move fast" (a mindset for entrepreneurs). It was really impressed to me. I've been following him on Facebook since 2013. This book was his recommendation.

Do It Anyway

Your success is defined by yourself. It is built by your habits. Habits are the things need time to tackle. To me, that somehow means JUST following your heart combining with your brain because you're the one who knows what you're doing. Believe in yourself and never betray your dream!

We Are One

The author said that "everything is connected". This is also the theory of Buddha. He believes the existence of Atlantis and its elimination is a lesson-learnt. In order to avoid the elimination of our world, we have to help rather than harm the others. His company called "YUP" (its pronunciation also means "help") is a school for training entrepreneurs which follows the philosophy: "bring values for the community".



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