My must-have apps for daily work - The Koch Family
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My must-have apps for daily work

There is no doubt that cool apps can help us be more productive and enjoyable at work. For the time being, I really love the following apps which are used by me almost every day.

1. A personal Kanban

In fact, a personal kanban is the most useful app for me. Why does it matter? It is not just a to-do list, but it keeps me motivated every day because it helps me be able to know what my "big picture" is. I usually set up my plans together with a path to reach them. KanbanFlow is my preferred tool.

2. A terminal

Needless to say, a terminal is a must-have app for every developer, especially the ones use macOS/Linux. Due to its importance, I love to decorate and enhance it to be super exciting with various tools such as iTermoh-my-zsh, and thefuck. ;)

iTerm + oh-my-zsh

3. A documentation "ecosystem"

As a developer, I can not remember all things that I have experimented a day. Moreover, a document is really useful for sharing an idea with other people. I use the set of tools for helping my documenting task be more interesting:
- Typora: a very powerful tool for an all-in-one editor with Markdown
- Anki: I use it for learning new English words as well as reviewing some important notes.
- Grammarly

4. A password manager

Once again, there are too many passwords for me to remember, and they also must be kept in secret. That is where a password managing tool like Enpass comes to help.


5. An updater

In order to keep myself up to date, I get updates from the community by using these following apps: Feedly, Twitter, Quora, Medium, and Meetup.

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