The interface and the user manual of SCP are developed in English (user manual available at this link). However, it is possible to translate the interface into any language.
I'm very glad to announce the availability of the French translation of the SCP interface.
The whole interface has been translated by Sebastien Peillet (geomatician and developer, currently at Maison de la Télédétection, UMR TETIS). Many thanks to Sebastien Peillet for his excellent work, which will be very helpful to many people.
The French translation is available in the latest update of SCP v. 6.2.5.
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The SCP translated in French |
Again, many thanks to Sebastien Peillet and to all the volunteers that have translated SCP and the user manual.
Other language translations are still incomplete. I invite you to help translating SCP into your language. It is possible to easily translate the user manual to any language, because it is written in reStructuredText as markup language (using Sphinx). Therefore, your contribution is fundamental for the translation of the manual to your language.
Other language translations are still incomplete. I invite you to help translating SCP into your language. It is possible to easily translate the user manual to any language, because it is written in reStructuredText as markup language (using Sphinx). Therefore, your contribution is fundamental for the translation of the manual to your language.