Premature Birth Rates Slide Down in US - The Koch Family
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Premature Birth Rates Slide Down in US

Getting the right health is really important in the world that we live in. Hence, women all over the world need to make sure that they take good care of their health. Today, women not only play an important role in raising the family but also participate actively in various professions which is why they have to keep themselves fit. However, there are many cases around the world that involves premature birth problems and therefore there are many organizations that have come forward to bring down the overall numbers.

According to the March of Dimes 2011 premature birth report card United States have good amount of preterm birth rates but now they have improved considerably. According to the new report the preterm birth rate shows three year improvement in US and most states. In many states across America the change is more than 10% which is certainly remarkable. If we take a quick look at the report card there are many states that have shown improvement in terms of premature birth rates.

As per the new March of Dimes report three states including Puerto Rico have received an F while District of Columbia along with 11 other states have received a D. The report also states that there are more than 19 different states that have earned a C and 16 other states that have earned a B. Vermont is the only state that managed to secure an A. The March of Dimes report also states that taking into consideration all the factors they have provided C to the United States. The report also mentioned that the premature birth rates in the United States have gone down by 5% in the last three years and that is significant but US still needs to work on the effort as they need to achieve the new target set by March of Dimes.


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