Graduate Study in Philosophy/Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford - The Koch Family
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Graduate Study in Philosophy/Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford

From: Luciano Floridi - lfloridi at

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If you are interested in pursuing interdisciplinary graduate study at the University of Oxford in philosophy and/or ethics of information in connection with digital technologies, the Oxford Internet Institute offers:
1. The eleven-month residential MSc in Social Science of the Internet.
Students from a wide variety of backgrounds can combine their interests in philosophical/ethical issues with Internet-related courses in law, policy and other social sciences.
  2. This is for students wishing to undertake groundbreaking, detailed research.
Students are encouraged to ask original, concrete questions and to adopt incisive methodologies for exploring them, in order to help to shape the development of digital realities.
  3. The Summer Doctoral Programme.
This provides top doctoral students from around the world with the opportunity to work for a few intensive weeks with leading figures in Internet/digital research.
For more information, please check:

For an initial expression of interest, please send a short CV (max 1500 words) and a short outline of research interests or project (max 1500 words) to:

Mrs. Penny Driscoll, BA (Hons), MA
PA to Prof Luciano Floridi
Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS


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