Winter Exhibition at Wellcome Trust: Foreign Bodies, Common Ground - The Koch Family
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Winter Exhibition at Wellcome Trust: Foreign Bodies, Common Ground


Art in Global Health: Reflections exhibition brings together artworks including painting, photography, sculpture, film and performance, made during residencies at medical research centres funded by the Wellcome Trust in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and the UK.

The contributing artists were given a simple and wide-ranging brief: to find out about research being undertaken and produce work responding to their investigations. The result is a series of varied, moving and humorous works, recording journeys taken within the complex realm that lies between scientific processes and local communities, often on the frontlines of communicable diseases.
"Health issues are usually addressed by women
because of their standing in society.
The question is: how do we bring the
into the picture?"
Elson Kambalu
About Art in Global Health

‘Global health’ is a phrase we hear more and more frequently. As it attracts more attention it attracts more investment and more research. But what does it mean? ...
group - population

‘Foreign Bodies, Common Ground’ at Wellcome Collection
[See Internet Archive]

My source: FT Weekend Magazine


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