19 March 1997, 09:28:38So, h2cm became the preoccupation and now there is a small research project to complete these next six weeks, Hodges' model within the residential care sector.
Hello there.
I'm fairly new to the net and E-mail, but fairly conversant with other aspects of I.T.. I would be very interested in being involved. My E-mail is read once a week, when attending college.
Both nursing informatics and nursing theory have been keen interests for some time. Over Easter I'll have more time to explore and learn.
There is one 'model', which I don't think you have listed, although it is debatable whether it qualifies as a model - the health career model.
Perhaps I could write something up with references, and key questions?
(And also consider the list of work for volunteers.)
Bye for now
P.S. I hope ALTA is still as beautiful as I remember it.
Nursing theory links: H2cm Links II (any updates?)
Acknowledgement: Judy Norris
Thanks Judy for your encouragement all those years ago and with this post.