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Interested in writing?

Two items can be readily brought together here: 
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: JS Drummond
Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2014, 18:00
Nursing Philosophy (Post)-Graduate Student Essay Prize
Hi Folks,

To interested parties, there is still time to submit an entry for the (Post)-Graduate Student Essay Prize to the Journal, Nursing Philosophy.

Details are on the IPONS website.

Best Wishes,
John Drummond (IPONS)
Sent on behalf of Derek Sellman, Editor, Nursing Philosophy

The latest paper on Hodges' model -

Exploring the Dimensions of Recovery and User Experience

- has progressed to the point were I am awaiting contact from the production office of the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine.

In addition to the (Post)-Graduate appeal with IPONS there may be an opportunity through h2cm. If there are any student nurses and other health care learners interested in models of care and the future, I would be pleased to offer some support on a paper. Perhaps there are personal tutors out there who could also engage? I can't offer a prize, but there is surely a prospect with the journal Advances in Nursing Sciences:
Models of Care for the Future
Vol 38:1 - June 2015
Manuscript Due Date: October 15, 2014
As nations worldwide seek to establish models of care that provide quality and efficiency, nurse leaders are emerging to play a significant role in the development of these models. For this issue of ANS we are seeking manuscripts that provide theoretical underpinnings of creative models of care, as well as evidence that supports their implementation. Manuscripts should be clearly grounded in a nursing perspective; the content can include philosophic, theoretic, empirical or ethical aspects related to the model.
I do have form here - two submissions without success - but the very helpful feedback did result in a publication elsewhere.

With studies of my own I can't write another paper alone, but perhaps I can help others. It's time for me to not just think about the model, but do something with it too. It feels strange finally having questions out there in the field - a small study.

Earlier this week a colleague referred to the model's elegant parsimony. This is definitely a quality of Hodges' model and one that merits exploration with new explorers.


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