We conducted a research with two options: building our own directives or using a third-party directives.
- Approach 1: using a third-party directives
+ Google keyword: "build dynamic forms directives + angular third party"
+ This idea met our idea: "http://blog.backand.com/build-dynamic-forms/", but it's not free to use.
+ This 3rd-party was possible: http://schemaform.io/
Schema form hello world app: http://plnkr.co/edit/7Oqxxl?p=info
- Approach 2: building our own directives
We chose this approach because it looks more simple than using "schema form" 3rd-party and we thought that we can confidently handle it.
Example: http://codepen.io/cavoirom/pen/meJBxv?editors=101 | http://codepen.io/vnnvanhuong/pen/qOOROy?editors=101