Build Dynamic Forms in AngularJS Directives - The Koch Family
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Build Dynamic Forms in AngularJS Directives

We wanted to build a dynamic form that has some types of elements such as text field, text area, label, date picker, combobox, file uploader, etc. Beside that, the form is dynamic because basing on the provided configuration data, it should render our expected GUI.

We conducted a  research with two options: building our own directives or using a third-party directives.

- Approach 1: using a third-party directives

 + Google keyword: "build dynamic forms directives + angular third party"

 + This idea met our idea: "", but it's not free to use.

 + This 3rd-party was possible:

Schema form hello world app:

- Approach 2: building our own directives

We chose this approach because it looks more simple than using "schema form" 3rd-party and we thought that we can confidently handle it.

Example: |


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