How did I start practising BDD? - The Koch Family
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How did I start practising BDD?

At the beginning days I have practised TDD (Test Driven Development) with using JUnit, I approached that I should test methods belong to a class. For example:

I have a class with some methods:

public class A{
public void method1(){


public void method2(){


And then, I wrote some test methods to check the corresponding ones, for example:

public class ATest{
public void testMethod1(){

public void testMethod2(){

After that, I know that a test method (ex: testMethod1) should just only tests one thing, so I decided to write more methods for each cases. It looks like the following:

public void testMethod1_When_Case1(){

public void testMethod1_When_Case2(){

However, it was not a really good approach because it seems that I just focused on test the functionality of the method of the class. With TDD approach, I knew that I should test the behaviors of a class, not the methods belong to this class. Because, we all know the class' behaviors is represented the behaviors of our system.

Therefore, I would like to turn to behavior testing approach; and BDD (behaviour-driven development) is my response. Here is it:

- From the requirements, I call them are user stories in Agile. Something likes:
As a [Role]
I want [Feature]
So that I receive [Value]
I define some acceptance tests in order to know what exactly its values is. These acceptance tests are represented the behaviors of my system. Somethings likes:
Given [Context]
When [Event Occurs]
Then  [Outcome]
- From the acceptance tests, I started to build a class that implements the behaviors. With TDD and BDD  approach together, I start writing test code first. For example:

public void shouldReceiveOrDoSomethingWhenEvent1Occurs(){

public void shouldReceiveOrDoSomethingWhenEvent2Occurs(){

Yeah, that was all. Now, I follow this approach and I have a test case that represened for a behavior of a class, not only test for a method as before.



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