Confessions of a one year old - The Koch Family
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Confessions of a one year old

  1. I love milk. There is nothing yummier than mom’s milk. If I feel like I want it, I will ask for it, rather, I will scream for it. Even pull down the house till I have it.
  2. I hate the crib. I love to snuggle near my mom. If you try to put me in the crib while I sleep, I will make sure you repent it the moment I wake up.
  3. I don’t understand your concept of sleep through night. I do not understand it and I have no intention to understand it anytime in the near future. Do you have any idea what a bliss it is to eat while you sleep. No? You have to try it sometime.
  4. I love water. I love bath time and I love to play in water. I could spend a whole day in water. A water theme park would be a lot better though.
  5. It’s either my way or cry way.
  6. I love outdoors. Even if its someone I am seeing for the first time in my life. If he convinces me that he will take me out, I will go out with him.
  7. I like being rocked. There is no better way to fall asleep than being rocked by mom. Falling asleep on my own is not quite my thing.
  8. I love to entertain. I can see that my laughing makes you laugh too. I sometimes laugh at your not so funny jokes just so that you are happy.
  9. Wanna know what my favourite toy is? Mom. Next comes food.
  10. I like toys better when someone else wants it too.
  11. If you say no to something, I would like to experience and find out why you say no. But that doesn’t mean I accept your no.
  12. I honestly do not understand why you get to play with the phone anytime, but I do not get to touch it.
  13. Food from floor is way tastier than food from bowl.
  14. I have not started walking yet because I know once I start walking you won’t carry me this often.
  15. Mom is my private property. I am telling that to you, Dad.
  16. I know it’s my cuteness that helps me get away with most of my mischiefs. And I do exploit it.


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