How To Choose The Right Potty - The Koch Family
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How To Choose The Right Potty

There are all sorts of fun potty chairs on the market today that can make going to the bathroom a fun and interesting experience for your child. There are potty chairs that play music, when the child goes. Some potties have shapes in the bottom of the pot that change colors when the child pees. There are race car potty that made racing noises when he peed or pooped in it. Some potty comes complete with a handle for flushing and makes the sound that the big toilet makes when it is flushed.

When considering this type of potty chair, keep in mind that eventually, all of the bells and whistles can tend to get old quickly. This is especially evident when your child thinks it is fun to pour water in it just so they can hear the fun sounds.

Before purchasing a potty chair, check to see how the pot is removed. Make sure the pot is not hard to get out or has to be tipped. If you want a urine deflector, look for a removable one to be made of flexible plastic. Be aware that if you get a potty chair with a tray, lifting it up will be one more step your child will have to master.

The cheapest potty seats are plain, white types that don't have any optional features. The high priced potty chair is usually made of wood.
When you buy a potty chair, you should really have one for every bathroom in your home. Some people even go so far as to have a chair in every room of the house. While we think this is a bit of overkill, if you are having trouble, this could actually be a great tool.

We definitely advocate having your child with you when you are picking out a potty chair. Once you get it home, introduce it in a casual way. It is alright if your child wants to play with it a little bit. Show your child how it works and talk to him or her about how they are supposed to use it.

Encourage use of the potty chair by putting a chart up on the refrigerator. Explain to your child that each time they use the potty chair, they will get a sticker. This will be an incentive for using the chair. Kids love earning rewards, but we will get to that in a later chapter!

Some children want to haul potty chair into the living room and sit there watching TV. You have to relax and let your child lead the way. Don't get all caught up in appropriateness when potty training.

Having a potty chair readily available is a great tool when teaching your child about toilet habits. A potty chair is obviously the child's own, he or she will take pride in possessing it. Choosing the right potty chair should begin as soon as your child shows an interest in using the potty. Involve him or her in the process of picking out their own chair.

Getting the right potty chair can make all the difference in success during potty training. Whatever type of potty chair you choose, make sure your child likes it. One of the reasons your child disliked sitting on his or her potty chair is because it didn't hold any interest for him or her.


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