Drupal musings 1: To Do List - Not To Do List - The Koch Family
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Drupal musings 1: To Do List - Not To Do List

I have not written about my tinkerings with Drupal for a long time. Now I've new reading glasses with occupational lenses to boot I can hopefully make some proper headway.

The new PC is going to have to wait a while, so although the PC can and does run WAMP and Drupal I'm using a refurbished 15" Macbook Pro running MAMP to explore the budding functionality of Drupal 7.

As posted under Drupal on W2tQ ages ago I have taken the old html pages:
  1. My introduction to Hodges' model (1998)
  2. Brian's original course notes (I)
  3. Brian's original course notes (II) Bridging theory and Practice
- with the aim of creating an archive within the new site. I'm re-visiting this job and have stripped the pages - naked: right down to the body and p tags. Eventually I will build some styling with CSS. I need a handle on the basic functionality to offer from day 1. The plan now is to push this (personal) envelope ever further without having a repeated scratch start. Drupal really does demand persistence. That's a problem when you can't give a project like this your ongoing attention.

A couple of additions I must organise include the constant companion that will be the Drupal notebook and a whiteboard. These will be useful over the coming weeks and months. The Drupal and PHP communities through a wide variety of sources are full of tips and code that you want to capture, filter and so possibly infuse into your project. I'm fast running out of excuses for the Drupal site no-show. On the positive side I have invested a great deal already attending the European Drupalcons in '08 and '09. Meeting a great group of Drupallers in Manchester and abroad. Reviewing my notes from Szeged + Paris and now with Copenhagen August 2010 in my sites (sorry!) - this means the project To-Do-List can get lengthy and threatens to overwhelm.

So, .... the Not-To-Do-List is even more important!

Many more Drupal musings - to follow ...


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