NW England: Pathways to Health and Wealth 31st March 2014 (4-7pm) - The Koch Family
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NW England: Pathways to Health and Wealth 31st March 2014 (4-7pm)

Dear all

As discussed in our meeting, here is the website for the LU Cross Faculty KE event Pathways to Health and Wealth taking place on 31st March 2014 (4-7pm):


Please let me or Becky Gordon b.gordon AT lancaster.ac.uk know if you have any queries and please pass on to any of your industry connections who you think might be interested to find out what we do, how we do it and how we can help them do it too!

Thanks, Karen

Dr Karen L Wright
Peel Trust Lecturer in Biomedicine
Faculty of Health and Medicine
Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Furness College
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YG
Email: karen.wright AT lancaster.ac.uk

[ Just to note I have not attended these meetings, the post is copied here to help in a small way with local publicity. PJ ]


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