[Itforum] Unique Technology / Assessment Request - The Koch Family
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[Itforum] Unique Technology / Assessment Request

The ITForum featured the following post with ongoing discussion and resources related to TEL - technology enhanced learning:

Hello Michael,

When I read your post my thought was that this was a classic example for an adaptive learning module/set of modules. This was a significant concept in the 1970s/1980s when elearning was peaking.

It seems unfortunate that the proliferation of the LMS has all but reduced the learning environment to subject-matter presentation and quizzes.

The recent proclamation of the eLearning Manifesto (http://elearningmanifesto.org) as well as ideas expressed by OULDI (http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/OULDI/) and my own ideas of Design Alchemy (Sims, 2014) provide alternative ways of thinking about elearning. These may assist in re-thinking strategies to achieve your goals.

Roderick Sims, PhD
design alchemist

ITFORUM mailing list
This is a listserv of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The focus of this list is instructional and educational technology topics ranging from technology integration through cognitive systems thinking and beyond.

Thanks to R Sims and Ack. ITForum. I have added the link to Sims, 2014 above.

The original question concerned - core competencies required for nursing programs....


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