Resolution for 2016 - The Koch Family
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Resolution for 2016

HCM full stack developer Meetup

This is the topic of HMC full stack developers' meetup this time. We have shared our ideas and discussed about them. Most of discussions is focused on career path for developers in Vietnam and what next we will do in 2016.

I have a problem with my career path in Vietnam. I seem to get lost my motivation because I don't like to become either a manager or a TA (such as Technical Assistant, Technical Analysis, Technical Architect).

But, why only are there either manager or TA in Vietnam? How about a 60-years experiences developer? Salary is actually an issue.

I admire several great developers in the world such as Jeff Atwood ( founder), John Sonmez ( fouder). They created very great and valuable stuffs for the community and they are free of finance - of course, I think. Why can't I follow that way? I would like to not only create cool stuffs but also get high salary.

I love to become a "many years" developer. Coding is one of my true hobbies so how my job motivates me without coding. If I become a manager even a TA guy, I will not coding on the real projects anymore. It isn't seem to interesting for me.

The answer is somehow "It depends on current countries' software industry. Almost software companies in Vietnam are out-sourcing ones. The salary depends on job titles that means a project manager has higher salary than a developer, for example. Therefore, you want to get a high salary, you should earn a promotion." - said Mr. Quan

English is really a matter of concern for Vietnamese developers. Why a BA (Business Analysis) is often from a QA (Quality Assurance)?

Sometime BAs don't understand developers' job and they give some unreasonable requirements for developers. Because a BA is often a previous QA with good English skills. Currently, most of developers are not good at English. If developers can improve their English skills, they might be more suitable to become BAs than QAs. They, the one, can make the customers requirements be logical and reasonable.

So, what is my 2016 resolution?

I am still fighting to find my real career path, but the following tasks should make sense for me currently:
  1. Going on improving my English skills is always in my first priority. How about IELTS 7.0 certificate?
  2. Learning structural and design best practices such as Refactoring, Design Pattern.
  3. Creating my own pet projects. Pet projects must be an effective way for practising technologies and methodologies.
  4. Networking and connecting by joining the community such as HMC full stack developers, iziEnglish Saigon.
Of course, they are not enough for my life. Always taking care my core relationships and other hobbies.

Happy new year!


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