Road to the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin 6 (Greenbelt): the SCP dock - The Koch Family
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Road to the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin 6 (Greenbelt): the SCP dock

As I wrote this post, QGIS 3 is under development and it should be released in December 2017.
This important QGIS update brings many new features; in particular, the upgrade to Python 3 and QT 5 imply that all the plugins must be updated to these changes.

I am updating the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) to version 6 (codename Greenbelt) which will work with QGIS 3 only (not QGIS 2 because of the API changes).
The codename Greenbelt (Maryland, USA) is the location of the NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center that had a key role in Landsat satellite development and will lead the Landsat 9 development of the space and flight segments (Landsat 9 to be launched in 2020).

I have already released an SCP experimental version 5.99 that runs in QGIS 3. However, the QGIS 3 development is still going on and other API breaks could cause issues in SCP. Therefore, in order to focus on plugin development, I won't update the plugin repository until the feature freeze of QGIS 3.
The final SCP version 6 will probably be ready by December 2017, in line with the QGIS 3 release.

I am willing to improve the functionalities of SCP with this new version 6, and I'll try to periodically post the development progress.
First, I have updated the SCP dock in order to be more productive and user friendly.

SCP dock
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