Major Update: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.2.0 - The Koch Family
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Major Update: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.2.0

I'm glad to release a new update of the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.2.0

This version includes several bug fixes and new features, and now all the tools are converted to multiprocess, which should result in faster processing. In particular the following tools were updated:
  • the tool Classification dilation
  • the tool Classification erosion
  • the tool Cloud mask
  • the tool Class signature
  • the tool Mosaic
  • the tool PCA
  • the scatter plot calculation

Also, the tool Band calc has been improved, and now it is possible to use the variable 
for using a list of bands (for instance bandset{1,2}b1 is equivalent to ["bandset1b1","bandset2b1"]).
For instance it can be used for calculating sum of bands:

for the sum of the first bands of the bandsets 1, 2, and 3, or similarly using ranges:

or list of ranges
sum("bandset{1:2, 3:4}b1")

Please read the user manual for further details.

For any comment or question, join the Facebook group about the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.


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