TO: EU -omics research community; if you are seeking a holistic approach for personalised medicine... - The Koch Family
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TO: EU -omics research community; if you are seeking a holistic approach for personalised medicine...

The relevance of Hodges' model as a resource in 21st century health care and research can be found within personalised medicine.

This is in addition to the need to assure holistic bandwidth within existing health care delivery, when it is person centered care that is the concern. Personalised medicine brings with it further challenges as it emphasizes the scientific, the inevitable reductionist work can potentially increase the distance between the humanistic and the mechanistic. The working document from the European Commission -

Brussels, 25.10.2013 SWD(2013) 436 final COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT. Use of '-omics' technologies in the development of personalised medicine

on page 7 we read:
The figure is instructive as it shows that a holistic approach is needed to fully appreciate the challenges and opportunities presented by personalised medicine. 
'Holistic' is a much maligned word, with its fuzzy, new age connotations. Especially when the word count = '1'. Another related document also picks up the holistic call:
IMI2 will deliver tools, methods and prevention and treatment options (directly or indirectly) that will progress the vision of personalised medicine and prevention. Through providing the framework required to support collaboration between scientists, regulators, HTAs, patients and healthcare providers, IMI2 will ensure that research is translated into implementable solutions to current healthcare challenges. Solutions that are not purely focussed on the development of new medicines, but that provide a holistic personalised healthcare package as well as maintain people healthy and productive through out their lifetime. Reclassification of diseases based on their root cause and not symptoms will help addressing unmet needs even in areas where a range of options exist but patients do not respond, because their symptoms are misleading therapy choices.
[ IMI - Innovative Medicines Initiative ]

Outline Strategic Research Agenda for a biomedical research public private partnership under Horizon 2020: (draft) The right prevention and treatment for the right patient at the right time. 08 July 2013. (pdf link removed file not readable)

On page 10:
A sustainable healthcare system is a holistic one in which the patients are responsible for their wellness and quality of life; physicians, therapists, nutritionists, community carers, and all other actors in the value chain are motivated to this goal; delivery of care takes into account patient beliefs, values and both rational and irrational behaviors; the care is affordable to both public and private payers and promotes health; sustainable businesses can thrive; and the education, prevention and management of chronic conditions are aligned to achieve this goal.
The focus of these documents is -omics and the development of new medicines. By its very nature this research, data and knowledge lies deep within many sciences: new sciences no less. This recognition of the need for holistic approaches and perspectives is still very encouraging. As the first document on personalised medicine notes, future treatments must be from "bench to bedside". We can equate this as "mechanistic to humanistic", but only as long as the patient in that bed is a person and not just viewed as a diagnosis with an associated -omic profile.

Have a look also at the figure on page 7, the medical innovation cycle. As discussed previously on W2tQ patient safety needs situated awareness and holistic perspectives.

My original (and seemingly incomplete) source: [no longer available]


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