Major Update: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.6.0 - The Koch Family
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Major Update: Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.6.0

This post is about a new update of the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v. 7.6.0

Following the changelog:
-training input vector is saved as gpkg
-export signatures as gpkg
-better compatibility with custom projections
-general use of gpkg
-fixed issue in DOS1 correction
-attempt to fix subprocess issue in Windows

This version changes the structure of training input .scp files replacing the shapefile with GeoPackage.
Previously created .scp files can be opened and the structure will be automatically changed during ROI saving or project saving

!Attention! backup old training input .scp files before opening it in this new version to prevent data loss.

Also, training input can be exported as GeoPackage.

Another improvement is compatibility with custom projections (not only EPSG standards), which can be used in input band sets.

Finally, an issue related to DOS1 algorithm has been fixed. If you previously used DOS1 for image correction I recommend to perform the preprocessing again. I apologize for the inconvenience.

For any comment or question, join the Facebook group or GitHub discussions about the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.


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