Random Forest Classification using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin - The Koch Family
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Random Forest Classification using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin

This tutorial is about the Random Forest classification using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) for QGIS. It is assumed that one has the basic knowledge of SCP and Basic Tutorials.

Random Forest is a particular machine learning technique, based on the iterative and random creation of decision trees (i.e. a set of rules and conditions that define a class).

WARNINGESA SNAP is required. The ESA SNAP GPT executable must be defined in External programs settings.

The purpose of the classification is to identify the following land cover classes:

  1. Water;
  2. Built-up;
  3. Vegetation;
  4. Soil.

The following are the steps of the tutorial:

  1. Input Data
  2. Create the ROIs
  3. Random Forest Classification

Following the video of this tutorial.

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