Currencies and travel in health and social care - The Koch Family
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Currencies and travel in health and social care

Before the advent of the euro, holidays in Europe were that bit more exotic. Having to buy and adjust to another currency - and not just one - was part of the novelty and fascination of travel.

Health and social care have their own currencies (and yes, read that as there being integration here too!). Most of the currencies are national given the efforts to standardise, with examples such as, length of stay, referral to treatment and more recently in residential care and elsewhere continuing care and its occasionally truculent neighbour 1-to-1. Unfortunately, like land masses, these currencies can also suffer from continental drift.

Dissemination (use in the wild) lack of review and ongoing attention to standards, benchmarks and definitions can see a currency drift in its application and subsequent reporting (affecting perceived utility, value and impact). The value of a currency can be diminished over time as it no longer acts as a unit of difference.

So enjoy your travels, but beware the risks while you vive la difference, especially in your work!

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