5 Ways To Use Childrens Wigwams - The Koch Family
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5 Ways To Use Childrens Wigwams

Traditionally childrens wigwams and other types of childrens play tents have been bought by loving parents who want to give their children a colourful, practical fun present. Otherwise known as wendy houses, pop up tents and cubby houses, these can be found in lots of different themes and designs. Did you know that the name wendy house originates from the character Wendy Darling, in the play Peter Pan. Poor Wendy was injured just after she arrived to Neverland so Peter Pan and the Lost Boys built a little house in the spot where she had fallen.

Children's wigwams can be used in a variety of ways. It will depend on factors such as your imagination, the style of the wigwam and weather conditions. The first and most common use for childrens wigwams is of course as a large toy or plaything. This is the obvious use and means that they can be set up to keep children happily occupied either indoors or outdoors.

The second use for them is more innovative, and was first heard about through a lady from Brighton, England, called Georgina. She writes about her family use of the wigwam as a sun shelter on a sandy beach while on holidays. This is of course a very practical way to use your child's wigwam. Apart from sheltering yourself from the sun, it brings us onto the next use for a kids wigwam.

They can be used as a way to get to meet new people. Georgina's experience proves that they are an excellent way to meet people who are fascinated by your use of it in a public place such as a beach, but of course this can be extended to parks and fields. In a world where less people feel at ease to talk to strangers a childrens wigwam is a great ice-breaker as it makes people curious and breaks down barriers. In actual fact it means that these wigwams have the power to do something very special, that when you bought it you hoped would happen for your child but you did not expect it for yourself, well a little by default perhaps!

So the fourth use of these wonderful playthings is to make people happy. Both children and adults alike can be made happy with kids wigwams. They open up creative expression in people of all ages. Naturally we expect them to motivate children to play creatively which makes them feel happy. However adults too can take part in the fun, and especially using the practical excuse of them being a sun shelter or a picnic hut or some such thing.

Finally the fifth way to use a childs wigwam is as an education tool. As they come in different themes, it is the perfect opportunity to find an interesting way to educate your child. The top them is not surprisingly the cowboys and indians style. This opens up a wealth of opportunities to educate your child on some of the history and leading onto positive ways to instill good values into your child about apparent differences between people, not being important as we are all equal human beings.

In today's computerised world it is wonderful to find a simple item like a kids wigwam that can be adapted in so many ways, while still being a marvellous plaything for your child.


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