How to keep the kids well dressed during a recession - The Koch Family
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How to keep the kids well dressed during a recession

Firstly let me give you a little bit of background here. I am a single mother and my children have always looked clean and smart but I was not brought up to spend a lot of money on clothes. Maybe for a good winter jacket or a pair of boots but not for clothes that you wear around the house or most importantly for the kids to play in.

So I brought my children up to be grateful for what they had and to look after it and this worked out fine, until they went to school. Something seems to happen as soon as the kids set foot through the school gates. My little girl wasn't even out of primary one before she was questioning me about the names on her trainers and asking if her next pair could be the same as her little friends.

It is a shame that children so young have become so material but I know just how important it is to feel like you fit in at school, so I gave in and am now a slave to the label - to a point. I will buy my kids clothes and shoes that will let them fit in with the other kids but I have to do it on a budget so here are my 5 steps on how to keep your kids well dressed during a recession.

Step 1 - use a good colour protecting washing powder. It keeps their clothes looking good for longer which means you don't have to replace clothes as often.
Step 2 - use birthdays and Christmas as a time when the kids get new clothes and shoes, this helps to space out when they get new items (unless their birthday is in December).
Step 3 - use charity shops. I have picked up some excellent bargains in the charity shops and if they kids are at school when you go, they never know the difference.
Step 4 - remember to give their old things into the charity too as this passes on good karma as well as making you feel good about helping someone else
Step 5 - the internet is the best resource at your finger tips. I have been able to source designer brands names and bought my children new trainers from ridiculously low prices using the internet. One place in particular that I like to shop online for trainers is Sphere and Turret, they have a good selection of kids designer footwear with names like Adidas, Ecko, K-swiss, Lacoste, Nike and Puma to mention a few and have sizes from infant through to youth. I also love e-bay - what a place, you can get brand new and second hand bargains and I love the excitement of bidding and waiting to see if you have won! And don't forget you sometimes get free stuff on places like gumtree and other similar websites.

Well I hope that these tips will help some other mothers to keeps their little ones well dressed for less. If anyone has any more I would be happy to hear them. One more thing to mention, if you have a visa card or mastercard you should use this to pay online as you get extra protection with most cards for online purchases and for ebay you should always use paypal again for that extra protection.


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