Typical Day Of A Stay-At-Home Mom - The Koch Family
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Typical Day Of A Stay-At-Home Mom

It’s 6 am and the alarm goes off. No, not the alarm on the nightstand. I am talking the alarm on my bed- my little baby. And he starts his duty.
He rolls over, plays with my hair and showers me with kisses and saliva. Though I try to snooze for 5 more minutes hiding under the covers, my little brat is unstoppable and wouldn’t budge without getting me out of the bed.
I mentally count the number of hours I slept and curse my husband who is still in deep slumber and forces myself to get up and move to the kitchen.
Though I had planned a sumptuous breakfast, I decide to stick on to the usual bread toast. My little champ follows me to kitchen and opens the drawers and starts playing with the utensils while I pack lunch for my hubby. After that I change my baby’s diapers and puts him on his high chair for his breakfast. After quite some struggle and some modern art creations by him, he eats  a little something. In the meanwhile I gobble my food so as to finish by the time my baby starts screaming to get out of the high chair.
It’s already 10 and the baby starts getting cranky. So nap time is approaching. I rock and feed and again rock him to sleep… Finally some ‘me’ time… They say ” sleep when baby sleeps”. But the maid had called in sick. So, first some dishes needs to be washed. I will do that first and then rest. By the time I finish the dishes, I realise I have not prepared lunch for the little one and gets on to it.
Ok.. That’s done. Right then, the laundry signals it’s done. That needs to be put out for drying. That was quite a productive day. Now, some sleep time. I cosy myself up next to my baby and there it goes; my baby stretches and wakes up from his short nap…  I know I should have done the chores later and slept when the baby sleeps.
And before I know it, its lunch time… Making lunch for just one person is so not worth the time. So I too have his baby food and there… Lunch is done…
I and my little one gets on the floor and he starts playing. He picks something from the floor and is about to put it in his mouth. I call out his name and in a flash, he puts it in his mouth and sprints on all fours. I run behind and somehow gets hold of him and takes out a chewed bit of paper he had put in his mouth and get quite some bites with his new teeth that just sprouted last week. I take him back to the play area and engages him in his blocks while my thoughts wander from the dream of having a straight 5 hour sleep to the endless to-do list to deep thoughts of my career put on hold and where life is heading off to and.. Hey..do I smell something funny. Yup.. Its poop time..
While cleaning up, I realise I am better off bathing him. Though its my little one who is taking bath, I am more drenched in water than him, thanks to the water fight and water splashing games his dad taught him. Kids do learn quick what they ought not to learn.
It’s already 4.30. So I put my son on a stroller and takes him to the park. He merrily smiles and waves at everyone who passes by. I am sure everyone would be thinking that he is the sweetest baby in the block.
Reaching home, I quickly head to kitchen to whip up something for dinner. My little one heads off to play with the utensils as usual. But he seems to have got bored quick or maybe its his usual crankiness, he clings on to my legs and wants me to pick him up. I somehow juggle between making dinner, soothing my baby and stopping him from grabbing the curry powder within his reach.
Ding-dong.. The bell rings and my hubby is back. Finally, a relief.. I hand over the mini trophy ( our baby) to him and finally decides to take some time to relax. I head out to take a shower and there comes the call, ” Hon, I think the baby is hungry. He is starting to get cranky. His diaper needs to change too.” Did I say I want some “me” time? Well, I will think of it when my son turns 18.
I rush back, attend to him and get back to shower. I think of all the chores that needs to be done for the next day. And I spend a few extra minutes under the shower to just to spend some time for myself.
When I step out of shower, I see my “sweetheart” in my other sweetheart’s lap, sleeping peacefully. And there, after a day of fun, strain, joy and struggle, I get to spend rest of my day with my favourite person.
Its definitely hard being a stay at home mom. But I don’t think I would want it any other way…


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