An Even Dozen Potty Training Tips to Set You on Your Way - The Koch Family
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An Even Dozen Potty Training Tips to Set You on Your Way

Getting going with potty training can be difficult, but getting going is a lot easier when armed with the right information. Try these thirteen tips to start your potty training off on the right foot.

1. Model desired behavior. Use every opportunity to show your child precisely what it is you expect them to do. Sure, teaching might start with our words, but seeing is always going to be more effective than simply hearing.

2. Let others teach you. Learn from others who have been there before. It might feel as though you are the first parent to ever battle the potty, but the endless anecdotes of others will help you know that you are definitely far from alone.

3. Choose your words with care. It simply is not fair to your child if you neglect to explain your intentions before unleashing. Your child deserves to have things clearly explained and is far more likely to see their successes when you take the time to do so.

4. Empower your toddler. Let them pass on the lessons they have learned by showing what they know to a favorite action figure or stuffed animal. Passing on the same life skill they themselves are expected to learn will give them ownership and fuel their natural desire for personal performance not to mention parental validation.

5. Empower your child. They are no longer a baby, help them understand this by making the switch from diapers to training pants.

6. Make the restroom a regular routine. When it comes to potty training (and most things with parenting) consistency is of the utmost importance. Most of us have learned to tune out the tick and tock of our own internal timepiece, but children are still acutely aware of what is going on inside them. Create potty breaks that fall during regular transition times so you can stay. You will find your child falling into a natural pattern sooner rather than later.

7. Listen to your child's body. No different than thirst or hunger, going to the restroom is a physical need. If you monitor your child's liquids and account for missing minutes, you will be able to find their natural rhythm.

8. Highlight the best habits of older siblings, friends and relatives to help your child see the connection between new skills they are being asked to learn and the daily actions of others around them.

9. Reward your child with praise and encouragement. Celebrate each effort (of course), but also make sure to reward your child without fail whenever successful elimination occurs. Sing their favorite song, hand them a sticker and let them stick it on their chart, or get them on the phone with their favorite larger than life character. Make sure they feel the immediate results of their effort.

10. Teach your child proper hygiene. Show them how to wipe front to back, flush, and dispose of their own waste. Good hygiene is a learned behavior. It is up to parents to teach it to their child. There is no better time than right in the beginning.

11. If you cannot be with your child during daylight hours, it is best to articulate your approach to your caretaker by explaining your overall potty training plan and its associated needs.

12. Show your child the patience they deserve. Relapses will happen, and you can't always expect a command performance from your child. Keep your eyes and ears open for signals, constantly search for patterns, and understand that potty training is a process, not an event.

If you choose to follow those twelve simple rules, then you are already on your way to potty training success!


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