Why Eurogames become most popular family board game - The Koch Family
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Why Eurogames become most popular family board game

German-style board games also called ’’eurogames’’ initially became popular in Germany and quickly followed by the rest of Europe and the entire world. The designation eurogame really just represent styles of games instead of the origin. Much like eurogames don’t have to come from Europe. But many publishers from around the world realize the great demand of this game style in recent years.

Parents should take notice about the emergence of Eurogames in the world market. There are a few central features that can explain why eurogames become most popular family board game. This is good, because these are what seem to keep fans coming back and attract the interest of newcomers.

The rules are simple. Children around the age of 10 – 11 can be easily understood, but they also have deep enough strategy that adults can play them with satisfaction. Each turn require simple decisions.

Most of the games have a short medium playing times. They average 60 – 90 minutes. This make them oriented towards a typical family gathering. You might even consider playing twice or two different games.
Family games means multiplayer, although a significant sub-genre of Eurogames includes two-player games for couples. Most game can accommodate anywhere from two to six players. Usually each player plays for himself, rather than in partnership or team.

There is high level of player interaction. There are trading and auctions that allowing all players to participate on all turns. Players will expend actual value for actual benefit and often willing to give better trade value to other players who are perceived to be losing. Many eurogames also encourage proscribed types of negotiation that involves all players on all turns. . For example, in Settlers of Catan, part of each player's turn involves trading with the other players, keeping all players involved, even when it is not their turn.

The theme is lean towards economic rather than military themes. Typical themes of Eurogames include Pre-historic (Stone Age), ancient, medieval (Carcassonne), civilization (Settlers of Catan), exploration (Lost Valley), agriculture (Agricola), city building (Puerto Rico), trains (Ticket to Ride),), and so on.

In order to reach all families, most Eurogame are mostly language-independent, or come with pieces and rules translated into two or more languages; Eurogames are almost never word or language-based.

Most games are generally involves less luck, conflict and drama. Every move is important and early mistakes can cost you dearly later in the game. That’s why it’s called strategy game. Eurogames may provide random elements at the beginning of the game then players must optimize strategy and tactics in reaction to these elements.
Participants still win or lose, but winning relies on strategy rather than luck or conflict.

There is no player elimination. Most of these games are designed to keep all players in the game as long as possible, so it is rare to be certain of victory or defeat until relatively late in the game. All players are involved through to the end of the game.

The winner is the player to reach a certain point value first, or have the highest value after a set end game. There are various paths to victory, so the random elements force you to adopt your strategy. Players have a few simple yet important decisions to make on every turn. Unlike traditional race games, in most Eurogames you convert your resource acquisition to victory points. These games always end after a certain number of points is achieved, a certain number of rounds has occurred, or a certain number of resources are depleted. So victory is not achieved only by beating the other players down.

The artwork and design of the game is interesting. There is always something else to look at or think about. With Eurogames, players can change board placement. The shape of the board develops during play.


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